
Last chaos item dupe hack
Last chaos item dupe hack

Last chaos item dupe hack

Once its all said anddone, you should have a good 10k sp. Get ignition to about 3rd or4th level then go back in, go to end of dungeon and pop it on the endboss Erraticrat when you have final quest. Hottest Threads (in last 7 days), Latest Files (in last 7 days), Latest Posts. Farm spiders a bit for ignition then head on,continue till your in next area, talk to npc up on side pathway andhead to side room, kill barren eise then run out, get ignition again,run back in, instead of going to side passage when you hit new mobs,go straight, keep going till you hit the blood terrain, pop ignition,kill it, continue up pathway to the large room with npc's, hand inquest,vendor your drops, teleport out. CHAOS HAS AWOKEN Chaos Awakens is a spiritual successor of the very popular mod OreSpawn, built from the ground up. Discussion on DUPE within the Last Chaos forum part of the MMORPGs category. Go to town and pop your pssp, hand in quests andcontinue back to tof. I will buy DUPE LAST CHAOS RU WHO KNOWS what hack me video ban, jajajaja.

Last chaos item dupe hack

The Korean original translation included that mistake, while the item was meant to be 'Bless of Iris'. The translators did not know, that Iris was actually the name of the continent in Last Chaos and also did not know the icon of the item. After you get 60 of each, go inside tof andkill 60 spiders. So it was never corrected and will remain a flower in all eternity, since it is one of the most popular items. I wouldrecommend buying a pssp first then killing the wafes and sphinx inthe green area of dratan. At 60 you will get a few quests, onewill show up at side of your screen as backpack quest, another onlyseen if you go in tof and talk to npc near entrance.

Last chaos item dupe hack