While both deliver, it is the latter's character who reminds us that this is nothing more than a YA film. Written as polar opposites, Monroe and Moretz are tasked with shouldering the story from different perspectives. Monroe's role is an interesting inclusion considering her forthcoming appearance in this year's tent pole offering of the Independence Day sequel. Part of that twist involves a group of child soldiers led by the capable Maika Monroe from last year's sleeper hit It Follows. This leaves us, and Cassie, trying to figure out who's really who, before we arrive at the film's haphazardly written twist reserved as the titular Wave 5. The first three waves are narrated in short flashbacks, thankfully, as the special effects employed are modest, and that's putting it politely. The onslaught of the invasion, as explained by Cassie, is unleashed in a series of attacks beginning with power outage (Wave 1), natural disasters (Wave 2), fatal epidemics (Wave 3), followed by parasitic possession of humans as hosts (Wave 4).

Going from normal high schooler to gun-toting survivalist, Chloe Grace Moretz's Cassie Sullivan is both the heroine and narrator of this alien invasion for the new generation. Joining that list, rather late in the race, is The 5th Wave – a pointless save the world mishmash that feels like the retarded offspring between Independence Day and Red Dawn, but without any redeeming qualities from the parents. Survival besieged by sentimentality in an end-of-world scenario seems to be the driving theme in an ever increasing list of young adult films.